Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stuck In Neutral Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1

Shawn McDaniel is a 14 years old boy who is living in Seattle.He likes it a lot although many people gripe and moan about the weather in the city.He's got a three years older sister and a two years older brother who he thinks are very cool.Shawn is a boy that can remember perfectly erverything he hears.It doesn't matter if it's a conversation or some lyrics or anything else.His parents got divorced ten years ago. Shawn thinks it was his fault.Every year school psycholigs,sendes from the school district test him for his IEPs.The results are quiet low, but people doesn't know that he's more intellegent than he appears.

Chapter 2

Shawn's illnes is called celebral palsy, that means he isn't able to move any muscle in his body.It happended because a tiny blood vessel burst inside his head.His family and the psychologic don't know how intellegent he really is because he do anything that the people could understand him.Shawn knows to read, because his sister Cindy tough him when she was smaller.She only was playing, but Shawn at the same time was learning to read and learning thar every letter has got its own sound.Sometimes he's confused because he doesn't understand why things are that way.For example he's courios how does a car wash works.Nobody of the family knows that he's a real smart boy, but everbody,especially his mother talks to him in the "baby langueage".Shwan thinks that his illnes hurts the whole family and sometimes it's a problems for them so he's pretty sure that his father is planning to kill him.

Chapter 3

Shawn doesn't know what to think about dead, but he know what to feel because he has looked in death eyes.It was in winter, after Christmas when he went in car with his mother and Cindy.The road was wet and a old dirty brownish color car drove in front of them.Suddenly a dog jumped in front of the brown car and it seemed like the car seemed to spit the broken body.Cindy saw the dog and run out of the car before his mother even had stopped .A few moments later he was seeing how the dog died in Cindy's arms.It was a terrible feeling seeing the dog's death eyes looking at Shawn's.

Chapter 4

Shwan thinks that his planning to kill him but it's more an intuition and a thing that happended last week at theire house on a warm and nice day.His dad came for a visit and sayed hello to his son outside where he was with his mother.In one moment his mother disappeared because the telefone rang.So Shawn was alone with his dad, the sixth time he was alone with his father in all the years.The father startet talking to his son, thinking he won't understand anything he was saying.Suddenly a big fat black crow landed on the telephone line near the house garden.His father startet to talk to the crow, saying what the normaly do with child and then he threw a glass of ice tea agains the crow.It didn't hit the crow so it flew away.After this, Shawn's dad startet to ask him if he would be better if he enden with his son's pain because he isn't safe if nobody is with him, he can't safe himself.That made Shawn thinking.At same time he thought that his father loves him because he was a really great guy and popular.He was Sidney E. McDaniel.


Anonymous said...

Good summarization but a lot of grammer mistakes you also left out parts that I as a reader will miss out on like on Chapter 4, first couple sentences. Overall, good job.

Anonymous said...

thats very true

Unknown said...

Try hard